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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fortuitous \For*tu"i*tous\, a. [L. fortuitus; akin to forte, adv., by chance, prop. abl. of fors, fortis, chance. See Fortune.]

  1. Happening by chance; coming or occuring unexpectedly, or without any known cause; chance; as, the fortuitous concourse of atoms.

    It was from causes seemingly fortuitous . . . that all the mighty effects of the Reformation flowed.

    So as to throw a glancing and fortuitous light upon the whole.

  2. (LAw) Happening independently of human will or means of foresight; resulting from unavoidable physical causes.

    Syn: Accidental; casual; contingent; incidental. See Accidental. -- For*tu"i*tous*ly, adv. -- For*tu"i*tous*ness, n.


adv. In a fortuitous manner.


adv. by good fortune; "fortunately the weather was good" [syn: fortunately, luckily, as luck would have it] [ant: unfortunately, unfortunately]

Usage examples of "fortuitously".

My guard and I were therefore forced to sojourn the night in the house of the sick child, where my own guard, rather fortuitously, as it turned out, managed to contract pinkeye, delaying our arrival yet another day.

Belonging to Bright Bay had been an incidental matter, useful when collecting bounty on Waterlander vessels fortuitously chanced upon, but little more.

Even as they watched, the sun, perhaps fortuitously, underwent a cachectic spasm, and lurched alarmingly toward the horizon.

But Proetus, "in his sexist pig way," had abused her as if the child were sprung from a love affair rather than a rape, and she was not displeased when Perseus, in fulfillment of his destiny, had come through town with his bride Andromeda and the Gorgon's head not long afterward, broken in on one of her husband's "swinish revels" -- from which she'd been fortuitously absent out of disgust for them -- and turned the whole court and elite guard to stone when panicked Proetus gave the order to attack.

Monsorlit's team discovered her and assumed she was a Tane civilian casualty, she was processed along with the others through the Clinic and ended, so fortuitously as far as Lothar is concerned, as Harlan's attendant.

Before long we had a big steering committee co-chaired by two lawyers I’d met through the DLC, John Broderick and Terry Schumaker, whose office, fortuitously, was in the same building that more than a century earlier had housed the law office of Governor Franklin Pierce.

The Council in the Srataparna cave did not come together fortuitously, but appears to have been convoked by the older members to settle the rules and doctrines of the order.

The two gases together, it seemed to me, could pretty well absorb almost all the infrared emission, even if there was very little water vapor-something like two picket fences, the slats of one being fortuitously positioned to cover the gaps of the other.

They call them natural products, fortuitously shaped by erosion into the shapes they have, the idiots.

Anyone fortuitously on the watch would have concluded that here was a party embarking on a holiday weekend, for strapped to the suitcase carried from the house by one of the callers was a tennis racquet.