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adv. (label en archaic) forthwith; immediately.

Usage examples of "forthwithal".

And then they both forthwithal went to the stone, and set them down upon it, and took off their helms to cool them, and either kissed other an hundred times.

And forthwithal came the third knight, and the Knight with the Red Shield smote him to the earth.

Then forthwithal Gareth rushed upon Sir Launcelot, and gave him a great stroke upon his helm so hard that he was astonied.

And then forthwithal I saw him ride to the hurt knight, and changed harness with him, and then straight I saw him how he rode into the field.

And forthwithal Sir Palomides smote down another knight, and brake then his spear, and pulled out his sword and did wonderly well.

And forthwithal there was upon the table all manner of meats and drinks that they could think upon.

Right so Sir Bors forthwithal saw a dragon in the court passing horrible, and there seemed letters of gold written in his forehead.

So God me help, said Sir Percivale, I saw a damosel, as me thought, all in white, with a vessel in both her hands, and forthwithal I was whole.

So forthwithal she went to her father and said, Sir, my lord, Sir Launcelot, desireth to be here by you in some castle of yours.

Then forthwithal King Arthur alighted and unarmed him, and took a little hackney and rode after Sir Launcelot, for ever he had a spy upon him.

And therewithal Sir Arthur lightly leapt to it, and gat it in his hand, and forthwithal he knew that it was his sword Excalibur, and said, Thou hast been from me all too long, and much damage hast thou done me.

And when the queen told him of that adventure, he was well pleased, and said: Upon pain of mine head he shall prove a noble man and a faithful knight, and true of his promise: then the king forthwithal made him knight.

And forthwithal there came into the court two squires and brought him great horses, and his armour, and his spears, and anon he was armed and took his leave.

And forthwithal this noble knight, Sir Plenorius, took him up in his arms, and led him into his tower.

So then forthwithal Sir Gaheris ran unto Sir Andred and smote him from his horse quite, that his helm smote in the earth, and nigh had broken his neck.