adv. In a forthright manner
adv. directly and without evasion; not roundabout; "to face a problem squarely"; "the responsibility lies squarely with them"; "spoke forthright (or forthrightly) and to the point" [syn: squarely, forthright]
Usage examples of "forthrightly".
He had spoken forthrightly enough, but the thought of hunting an allo made his body cold.
Yuri had figured out the reason, and so it was armed with that knowledge that he marched forthrightly toward the two StateSec security ratings standing guard by the hatch.
In the 1860 election, Breckinridge had run for President in the moderate posture of a man opposing abolitionism forthrightly and secession quietly.
True friendship might be forged between them if he revealed himself to the artist as forthrightly as he'd revealed himself to the dear heart in Las Vegas.
Others less inclined to turn the other cheek forthrightly assign the blame to the Vietnamese Communists alone, denouncing the anti-American extremists who labor to detect lingering ambiguities.