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adv. (obsolete spelling of forth English)

Usage examples of "forthe".

Bright greenswards and paths crisscross the courthouse square, and baskets of trailing geraniums, ivy, and sweet alyssum make it resemble a set forThe Music Man.

But Denning hadn't been able to Provide substantiation forthe charges.

Nathelees it happed, er they thennes wente, By cause that he was hir neighebour, And was a man of worship and honour, And hadde yknowen hym of tyme yoore, They fille in speche, and forthe moore and moore Unto this purpos drough Aurelius.

Now here's the man you're all waiting forthe star of the famous Amateur Hour and now of our new Happy Hourmy nice boss, Mr.

I was scarcely a face to these people, and I watched the guildsmistresses' slippers flop into back kitchens and listened forthe chime of the broken-spouted teapot where they innocently kept their money.

There were several flurries as two fire lizards vied forthe same choice morsel.

They're solelyresponsible for the wrongful evictions, and ultimately responsible forthe deaths of our clients, yet we let them off the hook?

Seth's bolt forthe sky had distracted him from the realization that the bas-ket, too, was gone, but now that desolate fact hit home.

Lloyd's of London marine insurance underwriter forthe Lloyd's office in Singapore.

As he reached the edge of the wagonsarranged rectangularly to form a wheeled forthe noted two Malazan marines, cloaks wrapped about their bodies, sitting before a small dung-fire.

Thecorporal saved me the trouble of havin' to changethe subject, however, as he chose that moment tostart hollerin' and wavin' for us to get together forthe next round of trainin'.