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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fornicate \For"ni*cate\, Fornicated \For"ni*ca`ted\, a. [L. fornicatus, fr. fornix, -icis, an arch, vault.]

  1. Vaulted like an oven or furnace; arched.

  2. (Bot.) Arching over; overarched.

  1. fornicate; shaped like an arch v

  2. (en-past of: fornicate)

Usage examples of "fornicated".

Her only response had been a mocking smile—until he loudly declared that the reason no decent man would have her was because she fornicated with the Evil One and the stench of the vile union clung to her.

Men fornicated frantically with women, genitally, orally and anally, and those who could not get hold of female anatomy rapidly enough plunged with equal fervor into the orifices of whatever was within range.

He should have just swived her in the stable, but he’d fornicated in enough places to know his lousy pile of straw wasn’t thick and well stacked enough to protect her royal behind during the crucial moments.

I picked up a sullen cow-breasted sixteen-year-old in Times Square, filled her with rum swizzles in the highest eyrie of the Hyatt Re­gency, rented a room there for two hours and grimly fornicated her.

Undercreatures babbled, cooked, ate, drank, tended a still, brawled, twitched and moaned in the throes of sickness, shook and cuffed their shrieking infants, threw dice, fornicated, relieved themselves, and, amazingly, slept, all in plain view of anyone with the ill luck to look in their direction.