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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Formulate \For"mu*late\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Formulated; p. pr. & vb. n. Formulating.] To reduce to, or express in, a formula; to put in a clear and definite form of statement or expression.
--G. P. Marsh.


vb. (present participle of formulate English)

Usage examples of "formulating".

Can you imagine the strides we can make in formulating an early childhood program with such a superb example?

Sascha was in Rhyssa's office, attending to routine administration details as he took a break from formulating new testing procedures.

When he asked her what else she had discussed with Sodan, she had trouble formulating sentences despite a resurgence of animation Ion that subject.

If squadron can launch additional reconnaissance units of the new type, details of the inhabited planets and moons would be of inestimable value in formulating strategy.

However--he forestalled the objection she didn't even have to think at him--I'm formulating a valid reason for Asia to accompany Rojer, if that partnership is coming along as well as Flavia things it is.

Already the drow's calculating mind was formulating initial defense plans.

Satisfied, Drizzt put aside his emotions and all thoughts of the previous encounter, narrowing his vision to the situation before him, formulating a plan of attack that would free his friends.

Entreri went on, his new scheme formulating, his banter building momentum.

She turned, as if her argument had satisfied her, to go back to formulating her initial plans.

He held the words, though, and considered Catti-brie's argument more carefully, truly hearing what she was saying instead of reflexively formulating a defensive answer.

The formulating machine was in a separate room, closed off from the rest of the production area.

Trainer was undoubtedly already dialing his cell phone and formulating a plan that would allow him to claw his way hack into power.

Before the first word of greeting could be exchanged, his eyes were formulating the same interrogation.

The austere father of the preceding year contemplated himself with astonishment as he caught himself formulating this immoral regret.

It was necessary for him to see his son’s grave before dying himself, and Lacour had to requisition all his powers, for four long months formulating requests and overcoming much opposition, in order that Don Marcelo might be permitted to make the trip.