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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Formidably \For"mi*da*bly\, adv. In a formidable manner.


adv. In a formidable manner


adv. in a formidable manner; "the constant risk that attends the exchanges of human beings formidably armed"

Usage examples of "formidably".

When Brutus and Cassius marched west on the same road, they had to be halted well east of the Adriatic, and a formidably entrenched force eight legions strong would bring them to an abrupt stop, no matter how enormous their own army was.

His camp lay in the midst of a huge expanse of flat ground and he had used his time in fortifying it formidably, despite the fact that the Cappadocian lack of forests had meant fetching the timber from the Cilician Gates.

Baynes, sitting down in a formidably dark cherrywood chair from which he could, if he wished, menace his growing empire.

Katriona was a formidably intelligent young woman and Claudia had no doubts whatsoever that her father had not been overly ambitious in wanting her to go up to Oxford.

Nothing contrivable by human invention could be more formidably effective than that, in banishing imaginary ailments and in closing the entrances against subsequent applicants of their breed.

But the Lord Artos seemed so sure, and Prince Cador had the reputation of a formidably acute man.

This was a formidably fortified town, possessing three separate citadels connected by mighty walls.

No one had any illusions that he would fill the shoes of Marcus Aemilius Scaurus gracefully or formidably.

XIV Mrs Beale fairly swooped upon her and the effect of the whole hour was to show the child how much, how quite formidably indeed, after all, she was loved.

By reputation, Badeen's ship was large but slow and formidably armored and armed, with a crack crew of archers and a pair of notorious wizards.

Mirda jammed Tirla tight against her angular body while Mama Bobchik somehow got ahold of Tirla's free arm, effectively pinning her between the two formidably large women.

But to mount it on a fighter already formidably armed in its own right .

Mirda jammed Tiria tight against her angular body while Mama Bobchik somehow got ahold of Tirla's free arm, effectively pinning her between the two formidably large women.