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forklift trucks

n. (forklift truck English)

Usage examples of "forklift trucks".

Abdullah opened the hatch, and a squadron of forklift trucks buzzed onto the tarmac, up the aluminum ramp, and into the belly of the plane.

Below the weather deck were forklift trucks for Istanbul and agricultural machinery for Varna in Bulgaria, part of a transshipment cargo that had come in from AmerĀ­.

Below the weather deck were forklift trucks for Istanbul and agricultural machinery for Varna in Bulgaria, part of a transshipment cargo that had come in from Amer-ica as far as Piraeus.

Followed by the dog, the two of them, Matern and Brauxel, cross a yard, where quantities of nailed-up crates are being hauled back and forth by forklift trucks.

From the darkened depths of the warehouse, forklift trucks bearing pallets of bulgĀ­.

Caterpillar tractors, forklift trucks, powered sleds and other heavy machinery had been urgently manufactured and loaded onto railroad cars and shipped to docksides in California and Virginia.

They used two forklift trucks to trundle depth charges, light, dual-purpose antiaircraft guns, and a sufficiency of shells down to the dockside, then used one of the scores of cranes that lined the dockside to lower the stolen equipment into the hold of the Roamer, which was then battened down.

They swept through an industrial estate, a collection of low, shabby buildings and motionless forklift trucks.

The shiny boxes covered the floor of that room, and they were surrounded by machines that bore vague resemblances to freight dollies and forklift trucks.