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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Forked counsel

Forked \Forked\, a.

  1. Formed into a forklike shape; having a fork; dividing into two or more prongs or branches; furcated; bifurcated; zigzag; as, the forked lighting.

    A serpent seen, with forked tongue.

  2. Having a double meaning; ambiguous; equivocal.

    Cross forked (Her.), a cross, the ends of whose arms are divided into two sharp points; -- called also cross double fitch['e]. A cross forked of three points is a cross, each of whose arms terminates in three sharp points.

    Forked counsel, advice pointing more than one way; ambiguous advice. [Obs.]
    --B. Jonson. -- Fork"ed*ly, adv. -- Fork"ed*ness, n.