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n. 1 (plural of forfeit English) 2 A game in which forfeits are demanded vb. (en-third-person singular of: forfeit)

Usage examples of "forfeits".

Glummy boy was shocked by some of the forfeits and caved in - correction, avoiding forfeit: chickened in - not that, either.

Answering the call, reporting over his shoulder to Norman that it was Guinevere Steel inviting them to a forfeits party, he was able to complete in his mind, privately, the conclusion he had come to.

EXCUSE AND REASON: making the guests pay forfeits which if she chose she could make so hideously embarrassing the victims would never want to see her again.

Bit early to start imposing forfeits but that will be a lovely lovely start.

Since then, a state of suppressed anger, punctuated by only enough minor forfeits to keep that hard core of her sparewheels contented.

Saving up the remainder - all noted with sharp eyes and double-checked mentally to avoid a second similar gaffe - for an unusually extensive series of set-piece forfeits at the end of the evening.

And for silly forfeits too, not money," she added, lest Wriothesley think that the pocket money given to Elizabeth's household had been gambled away.

But she joined in the forfeits, and loved her love to admiration with all the letters of the alphabet.

Anyone who takes or damages even the smallest thing from within these walls forfeits his life, or at the least his freedom, You may rest within and take water from the fount, but no food or anything else is provided.

The generalized respect and good will which one should grant to a human being in the name of the potential value he represents—until and unless he forfeits it.

A country guilty of these out­rages forfeits any moral prerogatives, any claim to national rights or sovereignty, and becomes an outlaw.