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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Forewarn \Fore*warn"\ (f[=o]r*w[add]rn"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Forewarned (f[=o]r*w[add]rnd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Forewarning.] To warn beforehand; to give previous warning, admonition, information, or notice to; to caution in advance.

We were forewarned of your coming.


vb. (en-past of: forewarn)

Usage examples of "forewarned".

His expression was bleak, and there was a stillness about his body that forewarned her.

Disgust, frustration, anger, and exasperation packed into that one pronoun forewarned Rhyssa.

Because he'd been forewarned by her mental tone, Afra was ready to follow her mind to the immense drones in the yard and felt himself strengthened, by the incredible catalytic link she could establish.

She apotheosized 'that place' in a dismissive tone but then he'd been forewarned of her attitude so he 'looked' deeply and 'saw' the area and the cradles available to visitors.

Her gasp and half halt as she passed the entrance forewarned the others but in no way prepared anyone for the display in that short corridor.

She'd have thought Trag made of sterner stuff, especially since he'd been forewarned of the subliminals.

We were talking softly--oh I am so lucky he is my friend and forewarned me about father--suddenly he put his fingers to his lips, went to the door and jerked it open.

This was a safe place that belonged to a loyal Toranaga clan vassal, who, forewarned, greeted him.

He and Norbert had been forewarned about their summons into his presence tomorrow morning.

For days he had been forewarned of his enemy's arrival, just as he had been monitoring the progress of Sh@ogun Nobusada.

Once again he choked with rage that Takeda had not forewarned him that his hated enemy was within his grasp.

His mind was ringing with curses that he had not been forewarned about these late arrivals, cursing them for disrupting his tranquility as they would surely continue to disrupt it--whoever they were.

But he had been expecting him, forewarned by Rodrigues, and loathed what he saw: the easy elegance, the aura of strength and natural power of the Jesuits.

He had been forewarned by Lord Kiyama, his master, that the woman was filled with boundless cleverness: 'Don't forget she carries the taint of treachery throughout her whole being, and the pirate's spawned by the devil Satan.

He was still apoplectic that spies had not forewarned him about Toranaga's secret lair, and still did not understand how it could have been constructed with such secrecy and not a breath of rumor about it.