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n. (obsolete spelling of forest English)


''' Foreste ''' is a commune in the Aisne department in Picardy in northern France.

Usage examples of "foreste".

Before the great dryings, the Sahara region had been densely forested and well watered, and home to many species of apes.

He brought back an armful of pine logs, brought down from the forested area at the top of the cliff, and dumped them close to the entrance of the cave.

But this great bowl lay right across her path, cutting her off from her forested slope, still far away.

It was a freak of nature, not to be paralleled, perhaps, in the whole world: a vast natural amphitheater, a circular bit of forested plain, three or four miles in diameter, cut off from the rest of the world, and confined within the ring of those palisaded cliffs.

Rengarth Barbarians roared a challenge and charged the forested slopes, their shadows running ahead.

Mountains of Wales, draining of light League upon League of darkly forested Peaks.

Erano per la maggior parte fenomeni naturali, in­cendi di foreste che non si erano potuti domare, uragani che avevano raso al suolo intere città.