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n. The front, projecting part of an object, especially of an arrow or other projectile, on which the tip is attached

Usage examples of "foreshaft".

In this foreshaft was set the head of the harpoon, of bone, drilled, with a point of sharpened slate.

In moments the harpoon shaft and foreshaft bobbed to the surface, but the bone harpoon head, its line taut, turning the head in the wound, held fast.

The lingering essence of One Who Cries seeped from the worked wood of the foreshaft, caressing his fevered skin.

Practiced fingers whittled away at the dart foreshaft he crafted so carefully.

As they cut each of the foreshafts from the carcass, Singing Wolf nodded, muttering under his breath as he examined the depth of the wound.

They sat silently for a while, One Who Cries running his eyes over the colorful chert, Singing Wolf shaving long slivers of wood from the foreshaft.

He gave the base of the point a final grinding with the sandstone to keep the keen edges from severing the binding sinew when he hafted it to a foreshaft.