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foreign ministers

n. (plural of foreign minister English)

Usage examples of "foreign ministers".

It took all of Scott Adler's powers of persuasion to smooth things over with the various foreign ministers, but with the assistance of Britain, whose diplomacy had always been of the Rolls-Royce class, after four hours there was a head-nod-and-handshake agreement, and the diplomatic technicians were sent off to prepare the documents.

The ladies of Foreign Ministers and the Ministers, with our own secretaries and ladies have visited me today, and add to them, the whole levee today of Senate and House.

As the Confederation had made no provision for a visible head of the government during vacations of Congress, and such a one was necessary to superintend the executive business, to receive and communicate with foreign ministers &amp.

These privileged places, the quartieri or franchises, were adopted from the Roman nobles by the foreign ministers.

He'd also have Deputy Secretary of State Dick Cavanaugh begin a round of off-the-record meetings with Arab foreign ministers to sketch out the administration's thinking of the post-Saddam Hussein, post-Arafat world.

When he put down the radio-telephone receiver for the last time, Lebel wondered how long it would be before the Foreign Ministers and even Prime Ministers of the seven countries would be aware of what was on.

President William McKinley attended this meeting, as did also the members of his Cabinet, many foreign ministers, and a large number of army and navy officers, many of whom had distinguished themselves in the war which had just closed.

Molotov started to gripe to me about Lend-Lease at a foreign ministers' meeting.

Spare no effort to ensure that the foreign ministers from Japan, to Singapore, to Australia understand this.

The formal treaty documents would be signed by the chiefs of state and/or foreign ministers in several days.