n. (plural of forebearer English)
Usage examples of "forebearers".
Then my forebearers turned their attention outward-to the Sunbirth Sea, and to the friendship of the Land.
So my forebearers bethought them of the rivers which flow from the Westron Mountains to the Sea, and decided to build boats.
The First Ward he gave to the Giants, and when the exile was ended they gave it to the first of the new Lords, the forebearers of this Council.
And these Lords, our forebearers, swore themselves and their followers in fealty and service to the Land and the Earthpower.
They all watched him closely as Amatin said, “Yet everything that lives has ancestry, forebearers of its own kind.
Count Zergeyev had elegant features, patrician in every pore, with perfect clothes where he knew his own were mediocre and that his forebearers were peasants.
It's an old imperial barracks that our forebearers commandeered after they decided to go into business for themselves.
The latest Keldara dead, like their forebearers of old, would be sent out to sea on a wooden boat with the bodies of his foes at his feet and his weapons piled at his head.
It was as if its forebearers might have flown once but had long ago forgotten how.
On the extreme contrary, being die product of a number of the most carefully culled forebearers on that planet where careful genetic culling and wizardry of psychological techniques was commonplace, she must be eminently sane.