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forearm bones

n. (forearm bone English)

Usage examples of "forearm bones".

Whiskeyjack reached for the wrapped forearm bones lying on the table.

His sleeves had fallen back and the jagged ends of his forearm bones jutted charred from flesh that eased from black to red, angry red lines disappearing under the fabric of his shirt.

Before he collapsed, I saw the whiteness of his forearm bones, laid bare amidst the chopped meat of his flesh.

Phone poles stood every few hundred feet along the left side of the road, and sun-rotted rope rings dangled from some of the cross pieces, way up there where only birds could get to, and a couple still held yellow sticks of forearm bones.

Then with a grating snap, the forearm bones cracked under the twisting pressure.

One of his armored weapons had cracked the forearm bones of the man who had been shooting.