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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Forceful \Force"ful\, a. Full of or processing force; exerting force; mighty. -- Force"ful*ly, adv.

Against the steed he threw His forceful spear.


adv. In a forceful manner; vigorously; powerfully.


adv. with full force; "we are seeing this film too late to feel its original impact forcefully"

Usage examples of "forcefully".

Zoe tossed her head from side to side, her slim, tethered body twisting urgently against the straps that held her down as Sayed applied pressure, gently at first, then more forcefully, pulling the clamps and stretching her labia.

This wish was quickly quashed as he lay in bed in his hotel room after sunset only to be emotively assaulted as forcefully as he had been at noon.

Lenz had, freakishly enough, ended up her human pinballing with her bare and unspeakably huge backside wedged tight in the open window of the potty, so forcefully ensconced into the recesstacle that she was unable to extricate, and the bus continued on its northward sojourn the rest of the way up 24 with Mrs.

Just in time to see Moripicus forced down to his knees, his head pulled forward forcefully by a soldier tugging his hair, while two others held his arms back.

Even among his computer-community colleagues, who are hardly known for mental sluggishness, Kapor strikes one forcefully as a very intelligent man.

The bloodbath in Berlin was instigated by a group that included jokers, aces, and nats, and we would do well to remember that and remind the world of it forcefully.

The paediatric argument would come much more forcefully from you, Robert.

His name sells so forcefully that his ex-wife is able to use that brand identity to sell books and many other commodity products carrying Trump as the trademark.

Forcefully, he pushed himself away, breaking free to gasp several lungfuls of air.

He ignored it until, meowing rather more forcefully, it began to dig its claws into his lower leg.

It is, coupled with the threat of damnation in the nether regions of the devil as a punishment for sinful acts, that is being emphasized forcefully by well-meaning preachers to their congregations through hell for leather bible-thumping sermons.

Desdemona pushed forcefully against Starks shoulder in an effort to get him moving again.

She never thought she would appreciate the absence of streetlights, but she exhaled forcefully when she reached the shadows between the two buildings and flattened herself against a wall.

He spoke to Hurak, gesturing forcefully toward the assembled dirad and tanglings, and then dodged into the doorway himself, alone.

MATERN: As an antifascist, I protest forcefully against this association of unrelated and purely fortuitous factors.