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force multiplier

n. (context military English) A factor, such as better positioning or equipment, which increases a unit's combat potential, allowing it to fight on a par with a larger force.

Usage examples of "force multiplier".

Effective use of chemical or biological agents would be a significant force multiplier and you need a force multiplier given the difficulties you will encounter fighting the Posleen.

Once you begin to move your fingers, the finger pressure is sensed inside the glove and the force multiplier's miniaturized servomotors will complete the movement and hold the position until a countermovement signals their release.

One of the things we've found is that scheduling is a force multiplier.

For all the reasons I have already enumerated in this briefing, the RAH-66 Comanche can be a significant force multiplier for the commanders who employ it.

Surprise was the best force multiplier there was, and it was working in his favor.

With the force multiplier of her powered battle armor, she could come pretty close.

Finally, railroads act as a classical military 'force multiplier,' by improving the speed at which armies and their supplies can move.

They were a force multiplier for the colonial cartographers, enabling one survey ship to map three systems simultaneously.

We'll be doing such a good job in here we'll rate as a force multiplier and you won't need to get the other platoons up to full strength.