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force in

vb. To make something larger fit in a smaller or tight place with brute force

Usage examples of "force in".

Joe, slipping nimbly down the tree, carefully attached the anchor, and the doctor left his cylinder at work to a certain degree in order to retain sufficient ascensional force in the balloon to keep it in the air.

There was such fearful force in the cry that Kennedy and Joe released each other, and both looked where the doctor pointed.

Johnny said with considerable force in his voice despite his relaxed position.

Kenneth, and as I used no force in doing so no sacrilege has been committed.

The force in the castle was amply sufficient at once to man the breach and to furnish archers for the walls on either side, while in the event of the worst, were the breach carried by the English, the defenders might fall back to the central keep, and thence make their way through the passage.

Above all, he had as yet no notion of having been selected as the decisive force in this conflict.

He could feel the living Force in Bruck, the dark ripples caused by Brucks anger.

Obi-Wan could see that the life force in the Arconan was week, and fading.

It could well have been that his passengers and crew were so weakened by starvation that a safe landing, sliding down the vertical lines of force in the planet's solar regions, would have been safe for the ship only, not for her personnel.

For example, VW will throw out their work force in Mexico and rehire it.

Tom directed the repelation force in such a way that the ship left the orbit and started on a long, graceful curve, accelerated toward the moon.

There was an accumulation of powerful force in the room, powerful and destructive.

He knew what it was to have the strange and magical current of force in his back and loins, and down his legs, force so perfect that it stayed him immobile, and left his face subtly, mindlessly smiling.

And from this source he had a pure and magic control, magical, mystical, a force in darkness, like electricity.