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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fopling \Fop"ling\, n. A petty fop.


n. (context archaic English) A petty fop.

Usage examples of "fopling".

His project, as he went on to expound, was to withdraw from the round of idle pleasures such as form the chief business of sir Fopling Popinjay and sir Milksop Quidnunc in town and to devote himself to the noblest task for which our bodily organism has been framed.

There was a time with me, when every eye Did scorch like flame: if one looked cold on me, I straight accused myself of mortal sins: Each fopling was my master: I have lied From very fear of mine own serving-maids.

He was in her service, not that of the fopling Valentius, and he would do well to remember it.

Had filled his empty head and heart, Enough to satiate foplings twenty, Could make his pantaloon seams start.

At first I did not care so much, but as I grew more at my ease, I felt ashamed of my dress, and the more so as the young foplings would put their glasses to their eyes, and look at me as if I were a monster.