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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ At Scott Flat Reservoir in the Sierra foothills, heavy rain with hail.
▪ But this isn't the foothills of the Himalayas.
▪ His advisor, Paul Krausman, took him to the foothills on the north side of Pusch Ridge.
▪ Its massive cone rose five thousand feet above the Bahdu plain and a chain of foothills stretched south-west parallel with the Awash.
▪ No trees or foothills this time; it was all cleared land, dry rice paddies, and sandy, weed-patched fields.
▪ The foothills of the Annulii march off to the distant peaks that tower dramatically into the clouds.
▪ There, in the foothills of the Ruwenzoris, we heard, of all the sounds in the world, bagpipes.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Foothill \Foot"hill`\, n. A low hill at the foot of higher hills or mountains.


n. A hill at the base of a mountain or mountain range.


n. a relatively low hill on the lower slope of a mountain


Usage examples of "foothill".

Run Flatlands just as it had hammered through the Taibek foothills and Agave Dales.

Up ahead, the foothills of the Dessault range were beginning to rise above the glistening stalks of Anguilla grass.

This valley was forty miles up in the foothills from Las Animas, a secluded spot once inhabited by Ute Indians.

Lake Arau in the eastern foothills of the Arau Mountains to the southwestern mountains of Harkala, close to the ancient city of Aeravas.

It was clear to him that in order to recover the Archaean slate vein in which he had found the odd markings, he would have to make a long sledge trip from these foothills to the steep slopes of the gigantic mountains themselves.

Behind the beach, the fruit and vegetable gardens of the Atacama Desert rapidly gave way to the foothills of the high Andes.

SAURN: oldest and most respected uplands farmer of the Tarlagar backcountry nigh the Windfangs foothills, who habitually drinks at the Glory of Aglirta tavern, says little, and owns much land and a part of many local businesses.

THAEKER: wealthy uplands farmer of swift tongue and some pride, who dwells in the Tarlagar backcountry nigh the Windfangs foothills, and habitually drinks at the Glory of Aglirta tavern.

TARSAM: a successful but pessimistic sheep farmer who dwells in the Tarlagar backcountry nigh the Windfangs foothills, and habitually drinks at the Glory of Aglirta tavern.

GURULD: a loudmouthed, boisterous farmer who dwells in the Tarlagar backcountry nigh the Windfangs foothills, and habitually drinks at the Glory of Aglirta tavern.

It took nearly a day to reach the base of the range and begin our climb into the foothills, but then the splendor of Banff and Jasper unfolded.

In the Bhabar belt, which extends right up to the foothills, clearings have been made, and on this rich fertile soil, watered by many streams, villages of varying size have been established.

He joined a band of Cheyenne and Sioux living in the foothills of the Bitterroot Range and eventually earned a position of high authority and respect among them.

Chapter Thirty-eight The city fathers had laid out the plans for Boise City with care--straight streets and square blocks, nestled between the tree-lined river and the rugged foothills.

Beyond was the patchwork of newly flooded paeonin fields on either side of the winding course of the Breas, and then low ranges of hills crowded with monuments and tombs, cairns and cists: league upon league of the City of the Dead stretching to the foothills of the Rim Mountains, its inhabitants outnumbered the living citizens of Aeolis by a thousand to one.