Crossword clues for footbridges
n. (plural of footbridge English)
Usage examples of "footbridges".
A tinsel of slender footbridges had linked the soaring columns of the buildings like a shining web and translucent plastic had blended the contrasting pastels into a single beauty, but now… Now the city had bags under its eyes and harsh lines at the corners of the mouth.
The pastels were grimed with years of neglect into a uniform grey, the footbridges sagged tiredly or jutted, broken, over the abyss of the streets like twigs from a dead tree.
All 2,100 miles of the trail, as well as side trails, footbridges, signs, blazes, and shelters, are maintained by volunteers—indeed, the AT is said to be the largest volunteer-run undertaking on the planet.
I walked for perhaps an hour along a network of winding paths through trees and over wooden footbridges, but I failed to find the AT, so I returned to the car and pushed on, along a lonely highway through the dense flying leaves of Michaux State Forest and on to Pine Grove Furnace State Park, a large recreation area built around a nineteenth-century stone kiln, now a picturesque ruin, from which it takes its name.
At Castlefield, they were busy creating yesterday's city today, cleaning up the old brick viaducts and warehouses, recobbling the quaysides, putting fresh coats of glossy paint on the old arched footbridges and scattering about a generous assortment of old-fashioned benches, bollards and lampposts.
All 2,100 miles of the trail, as well as side trails, footbridges, signs, blazes, and shelters, are maintained by volunteers-- indeed, the AT is said to be the largest volunteer-run undertaking on the planet.
As the moon came slightly higher, it became apparent that a series of small wooden footbridges connected the island to the shore in a bamboo grove near the house, zigzagging its pyloned way from ait to islet.
A man-made brook encircled the building, flowing beneath quaint footbridges and jogging around rustic benches emplaced in synthetic arbors.
Others were wrought-iron footbridges, stone humpbacked spans, and complicated suspension bridges.