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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Well, this is a pretty piece of foolery indeed!
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Foolery \Fool"er*y\, n.; pl. Fooleries.

  1. The practice of folly; the behavior of a fool; absurdity.

    Folly in fools bears not so strong a note, As foolery in the wise, when wit doth dote.

  2. An act of folly or weakness; a foolish practice; something absurd or nonsensical.

    That Pythagoras, Plato, or Orpheus, believed in any of these fooleries, it can not be suspected.
    --Sir W. Raleigh.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1550s, from fool (n.1) + -ery.


n. foolish behaviour or speech.


n. foolish or senseless behavior [syn: folly, tomfoolery, craziness, lunacy, indulgence]

Usage examples of "foolery".

After a minute or so of such foolery, Miles plucked the four axolotls out and handed them to Dooly, who was rather at a loss over what to do with them.

Fool, I, Rob, do rob and have robbed greater robbers that I might by robbery live to rob like robbers again, as thou, by thy foolish folly, fooleries make, befooling fools lesser than thou, that thou, Fool, by such fool-like fooleries may live to fool like fools again!

Every minute the power of Oggbad ensheathes itself in matter, and we waste time on this foolery?

Every minute the power of Oggbad ensheathes itself in matter, and we waste time on this foolery!

I hope you will remember my small show of compassion today, as vividly as you may remember any of my occasional humbugs and hoaxes, fobberies and fooleries.

I prognosticated how it voud be, ven the alderman patronised him last veek by throwing avay a whole shilling upon his fooleries.

Fool, I, Rob, do rob and have robbed greater robbers that I might by robbery live to rob like robbers again, as thou, by thy foolish folly, fooleries make, befooling fools lesser than thou, that thou, Fool, by such fool-like fooleries may live to fool like fools again!

They tried to make me take the veil, but not having any relish for the fooleries of the cloister I refused.

I knew, of course, it was but an innocent game on her part, a bit of backfisch foolery in imitation of some simulacrum of fake romance, and since (as the psychotherapist, as well as the rapist, will tell you) the limits and rules of such girlish games are fluid, or at least too childishly subtle for the senior partner to graspI was dreadfully afraid I might go too far and cause her to start back in revulsion and terror.

He made it to be as if, from the beginning, I had known that Psyche's lover was a god, and as if all my doublings, fears, guessings, debatings, questionings of Bardia, questionings of the Fox, all the rummage and business of it, had been trumped-up foolery, dust blown in my own eyes by myself.

I am Al Phee, and you are, in order,” he ticked us off, “Marshall Axtz, Boyle Deggs, Tom Foolery, Rachel Prejudice, Dee Jenrette, Miss Fortune,” (pointing at Josie) “Flemming Ayniss, Manny Peeples, and Euell P.

Instead of his customary scoldings, hoarse quackings, and mischievous foolery.