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n. 1 (context obsolete or rare English) food for animals. 2 {{non-gloss definition|Used in compounds formed by adding (term -er English) to compounds ending in (term food English), such as (term raw fooder English); hence,}} one who enjoys or advocates eating a particular type of food. 3 (context obsolete English) A fother, fodder, measure of lead. 4 (context obsolete English) A cask, a large barrel for wine.

Usage examples of "fooder".

The Fooder was great but, after a while, everything you put in it tasted the same when it came out.

Except Elric, who only grinned at anything besides meat, or Fooder slabs when he couldn't stand the hunger pains any longer.

Teo-somoli was waddling to ward the Fooder room, her buckskin skirt gathered before her, showing her knock knees.