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__NOTOC__ Fong can refer to:

  • the Bulu tribe of the Beti–Pahuin people of Cameroon
  • various Chinese surnames
    • the Hong Kong Government Cantonese romanization of the surname Fāng
    • the Taishanese pronunciation of the Chinese surname Kuàng
    • a Malaysian–Singaporean form of Féng (
    • a Taiwanese form of Fèng

Usage examples of "fong".

Left to my own devices, I would have nursed a Tsingtao in Lan Kwai Fong and looked at the lights.

Nate, Kouwe, Anna Fong, and Private Carrera were already motoring their pontoon boat into the current, while Captain Waxman selected three of his men and led them to a second rubber raider.

Her twelve hadn't taken a third as long as his forty-two, and when Esau had finished his chin-ups, Fong had ordered him to do fifty pushups for the backflash.

He admitted afterward that in view of the exclusion law he had not supposed there were so many Chinamen in the United States, for they crowded the corridors and staircases of the Criminal Courts Building, arriving in companies—the Wong family, the Mocks, the Fongs, the Lungs, the Sues, and others of the sacred Hip Sing Society from near at hand and from distant parts—from Brooklyn and Flatbush, from Flushing and Far Rockaway, from Hackensack and Hoboken, from Trenton and Scranton, from Buffalo and Saratoga, from Chicago and St.

The governor, like all the civilians left on Shemali, was constantly dosed with Alpha bint Hezra- Fongs Seductron.

At any rate, I want you to get in touch with Mendel Amschel and Fong Hui and let them know that if it comes to a vote on a new Central Committee member to get in touch with me, through you.

He saw the thickset Chinese, Fong, following Cudahy like a patient dog, and he wondered again why the man had been sent aboard to be trained in the ways of a captain, and why the Tai-Pan had put one of the heathen aboard each of his clippers.

Fong had trained with the 4th Terran Infantry, and some of these Jerries were already stronger than most of his buddies had been when they finished their training.

The point is, we don't want any more kikes like Meyer Amschel in the Central Committee, and no more chinks like Fong Hui.

At Qatwick airport Johnnie Fong used a public telephone to contact Qubwa.

Hardy at the Treat Hotel and putting the explosive charge in the boy's tail pipe on orders of Fong.

The California Secretary of State, March Fong Eu, was predicting the lowest voter turnout in forty-six years.