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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fone \Fone\, n.; pl. of Foe. [Obs.]


n. 1 (context obsolete English) (plural of foe English)Category:English plurals 2 (context informal English) phone

  1. Redirect Telephone

Usage examples of "fone".

Picking up the fone he dropped in the punchcard and was immediately connected with his home.

Very soon he unpacked, surveyed the grand appointments of his room, and then, after taking a Valzine (the best of the latest generations of cortical stimulants) picked up the fone and dialed Linda Fox's Manhattan number.

Her face appeared on the little fone screen, but it was a mechanical and distorted face.

To California and the mechanical, pudgy image he had seen on the fone screen?

Riley went over to the desk and, still standing, mumbled a fone code into the instrument.