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n. (context games English) A children's game in which each person in a line replicates the actions of the one in front.


In a marching band, follow-the-leader is a visual effect in which one band member follows the next. The move can be from side to side, front to back, or diagonal. Advanced follow-the-leader movements may have Bézier curves.

"Follow-the-leader" can also refer to a children's game where one child plays the "leader" and leads others around a playground or an area, making repetitive actions that the others subsequently follow.

Category:Marching bands Category:Marching

Usage examples of "follow-the-leader".

When they wanted altitude quickly, they released the water, and up they went They were always holding races or gamboling about, playing all sorts of games, tag-the-leader, loop-the-loop, doing Immelmann turns, follow-the-leader, or catch-the-bird.