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flying fuck

n. (context vulgar English) (non-gloss definition: Used as a further intensification of fuck in some phrases)

Usage examples of "flying fuck".

He couldn't give a flying fuck about Bryant and the report he would now be getting from the captain at the end of the campaign.

Randy cannot work out why on earth the Dentist should give a flying fuck whether Randy believes in his lies or not, which pushes him in the direction of thinking that maybe he really is telling the truth.

Most important of all, if they were dumb enough to gamble their lives, then they implicitly accepted the possibility of losing them, and so why then should people like Wally Hicks give a flying fuck about them when the dice came up wrong?

He was, in fact, prepared to tell anyone in Haven who didn't like his new carillon that they could take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut.

Third, what makes you think that the local cops'll give a flying fuck one way or another?

If they look hot, tell him to take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut.

I'm concerned, reality can go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut.

We said fuck all the time: fuck you, fuck your dog, go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut, fuck a duck, hey, go fuck your sister, the rest of us did.