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flying carpet

n. (Asian folktale) an imaginary carpet that will fly people anywhere they wish to go

Usage examples of "flying carpet".

The ray's wings moved in a rippling motion like that of some weird flying carpet.

I was washing the dishes when a pigeon landed on the tile roof above me with a noise like a flying carpet crashing into the side of a hill in the fog.

Three and a half hours of this claustrophobic nightmare, barreling along through blackness, hanging on to a leaping flying carpet .

The top rail was about head-high to a man seated on a flying carpet.

He did not believe that anyone, even a desert wanderer with few needs, would part with a real flying carpet—.

So I carried the flying carpet out to the landing place beside the moat and began loading it.

The Flying Carpet veered sharply in a sloshing, foamy skid, then, living up to its name, went airborne with one side higher than the other, like a stunt car doing a two-wheeler off a low ramp.

That was part of what had sent him aloft to the cloud-mall, using his last dollar to rent the flying carpet.

Daile Redfletching turned her back on the brilliant orb of the sun and, taking the second flying carpet, trudged up the slope toward the grove of aspens.