Crossword clues for fluttering
n. Rapid back-and-forth waving or oscillation. vb. (present participle of flutter English)
Usage examples of "fluttering".
I thought I heard noxious muffled flutterings in the foetid darkness where I could not see.
For them there was nothing left--no more tremblings and flutterings and delicious anguishes, no more throbbing and pulsing, and sighing and song.
The boy gestured, quick tense flutterings of his fingers, and made hoarse chittering hjjk-noises deep down in his chest, as if he meant to spit at Husathirn Mueri's feet.
With quick impatient flutterings of her hands Boldirinthe cleared them all out, all but Taniane and Sipulakinain, whose presence seemed somehow significant.
But while the Dinosaurs lorded it over the hot selvas and marshy plains and the Pterodactyls filled the forests with their flutterings and possibly with shrieks and croakings as they pursued the humming insect life of the still flowerless shrubs and trees, some less conspicuous and less abundant forms upon the margins of this abounding life were acquiring certain powers and learning certain lessons of endurance, that were to be of the utmost value to their race when at last the smiling generosity of sun and earth began to fade.
Hark ye, lad — fleet interlacings of the limbs — lithe swayings — coyings — flutterings!