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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fluidize \Flu"id*ize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Fluidized; p. pr. & vb. n. Fluidizing.] To render fluid.

  1. Given the properties of a fluid (by shaking or injection of gas) v

  2. (en-past of: fluidize)

Usage examples of "fluidized".

Maybe it was the fluidized air of the Clinitron, maybe it was the simple act of lying next to another human being-she didn't know the reason-but she never slept better than when she slept here.

Maybe it was the fluidized air of the Clinitron, maybe it was the simple act of lying next to another human being—she didn’t know the reason—but she never slept better than when she slept here.

The last confrontation of this kind had involved the Antarctic Pipeline - that miracle of twenty-first-century engineering, built to pump fluidized coal from the vast polar deposits to the power plants and factories of the world.