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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fluctuant \Fluc"tu*ant\ (?; 135), a. [L. fluctuans, p. pr. of fluctuare. See Fluctuate.]

  1. Moving like a wave; wavering; (Med.) showing undulation or fluctuation; as, a fluctuant tumor.

  2. Floating on the waves. [Obs.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"moving like a wave," 1550s, from Latin fluctuantem (nominative fluctuans), present participle of fluctuare "to move in waves" (see fluctuation).


a. 1 That fluctuates, or causes fluctuation 2 (context medicine English) Used to describe a fluid-filled structure, such as an abscess, that produces a wave-like motion when palpate

Usage examples of "fluctuant".

Intellectual-Principle, the veritable, abiding and not fluctuant since not taking intellectual quality from outside itself.