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n. (plural of flotilla English)

Usage examples of "flotillas".

Whole flotillas had miss-timed their emergences, leaving gaping holes in the neat intervals of his command.

Whole flotillas had mistimed their emergences, leaving gaping holes in the neat intervals of his command.

Nor did it count the two survey flotillas that had been probing beyond the warp points through which the Bugs had come .

He might be forced to admit the force of the logic which put experienced Battle Fleet officers in command of flotillas which might run into Bugs at any moment, yet that didn't mean he had to like it.

It had always been TFN policy to assign only the best medical talent to survey flotillas, for there was always the chance of running into some new and nasty microorganism or disease, and there was no time to reach base med facilities if something went wrong in the Long Dark.

Most of the freighters of Seventh Fleet's fleet train were still in AP-5 with Zhaarnak, but Prescott had brought along the Wayfarers, built on battlecruiser hulls and intended to keep up with survey flotillas, as ammunition ships.

And because we hadn't, who could have dreamed that even Bugs would go to such lengths, sacrificing whole flotillas as bait?

They couldn't flee into hyper, but these new monsters had dashed in at supralight speeds-and they were fresh, fresh and unwounded, enraged titans within their flotillas, laying waste battle squadrons with a single flick of their terrible beams.

Lesser lords did their best, but without coordination flotillas fought as flotillas, squadrons as squadrons.

The enemy must deal with the flotillas on his flanks, which bought time for the Nest Protector to escape this damnable trap-and for the more massive formations inside the trap to draw into range of the enemy.

Arrayed in battle groups and reprovision flotillas, each cruiser, carrier, and tender analog had been branded with domain emblems and daubed with blood preserved from the sacrifice of the Alliance captives.

He recalled the dregs of his Muscave and Zonama Sekot flotillas, but has neither advanced on Coruscant nor withdrawn.

And their Marsh-based flotillas had enabled them to do a remarkable job of pacifying something like a tenth of the entire Confederacy.

Delta-Three would probably have worked fairly well against a destroyer sweep, or a few flotillas of light cruisers.

Thirty-one Manty superdreadnoughts, eleven dreadnoughts, four LAC carriers, and sixteen battlecruisers, covered by two destroyer flotillas and at least three cruiser squadrons accelerated steadily on almost a direct reciprocal of his own course.