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FLOT may refer to:

  • Front line
  • First Law of Thermodynamics

Usage examples of "flot".

Tout a coup un flot de sang empourpra son visage et elle se cacha la tete dans le cou de Roger.

Par la fenetre ouverte, et qui donnait sur la cour, les piaillements vigoureux des moineaux entraient avec des flots de lumiere et les senteurs des lilas cultives par notre concierge, grand amateur de jardins.

Next came fresh Aprill full of lustyhed,And wanton as a Kid whose horne new buds:Vpon a Bull he rode, the same which ledEuropa floting through th'Argolick fluds:His hornes were gilden all with golden studsAnd garnished with garlonds goodly dightOf all the fairest flowres and freshest budsWhich th'earth brings forth, and wet he seem'd in sightWith waues, through which he waded for his loues delight.

They to him hearken, as beseemeth meete,And passe on forward: so their way does ly,That one of those same Islands, which doe fleetIn the wide sea, they needes must passen by,Which seemd so sweet and pleasant to the eye,That it would tempt a man to touchen there:Vpon the banck they sitting did espyA daintie damzell, dressing of her heare,By whom a litle skippet floting did appeare.

With burnisht Neck of verdant Gold, erect Amidst his circling Spires, that on the grass Floted redundant: pleasing was his shape, And lovely, never since of Serpent kind Lovelier, not those that in ILLYRIA chang'd HERMIONE and CADMUS, or the God In EPIDAURUS.

Ordinarily this was the most agreeable part of a voyage in a well-found ship, this rolling down the Trades in warm but flot yet oppressive sunshine, never touching sheet nor brace, the people making their hot-weather clothes on deck by day and dancing on the forecastle in the evening.