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Florentius is the name of the following people:

  • Saint Florentius, martyr with Justin of Siponto, 310
  • Florentius (consul 361), consul in 361.
  • Florentius of Constantinople, Anomoean bishop of Constantinople, c. 363
  • Florentius (consul 429), consul in 429.
  • Saint Florentius, 485
  • Florentius (consul 515), consul in 515.
  • Florentius of Orange, bishop of Orange and saint
  • Florence of Worcester
  • Florentius of Carracedo, Benedictine abbot of the 12th century.
  • Florence of Holland, a late 12th century and early 13th century nobleman and cleric.
  • Florentius Volusenus, 16th century Scottish humanist.

It was also the name of a deacon of Nicasius of Rheims.

Florentius (consul 361)

Florentius was a Roman praetorian prefect under the Caesar Julian and later a consul, before falling from grace when Julian became emperor.

Florentius (consul 429)

Flavius Florentius was a prominent high official of the Eastern Roman Empire, who influenced imperial policy during the second quarter of the fifth century.