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Flore (photographer)

Flore (born 1963) is a French-Spanish photographer and daughter of the painter Olga Gimeno.

Usage examples of "flore".

Robert Berkowitz, Dale Coddington, Eric Corley, Delin Cormeny, Ed Cummings, Art Davis, Michelle Delio, Sam Downing, John Draper, Paul Dryman, Nick Duva, Roy Eskapa, Alex Fielding, Lisa Flores, Brock Frank, Steve Gibson, Jerry Greenblatt, Greg Grunberg, Bill Handle, David G.

She had been taken from Las Flores to occupy a palace at Rio de Janeiro, and was driven from the palace to the hotel life of the Continent.

Sumatra, the Palembang and Lampong territory, and continued his error in an easterly direction by giving to Java the name belonging to Sumbawa, and to Sumbawa that which belonged to Flores, leaving the two last islands nameless.

The island of Timor is larger than in the Dauphin chart, and the island of Flores is placed latitudinally, as it ought to be, whereas in the Dauphin chart it is placed longitudinally.

Flores et une autre ile encore de la chaine se prolongent considerablement, toutes quatres, dans la direction du sud, fournissant, ainsi le premier modele de ces deformations speciales que reproduirent en les amplifiant taut de cartes Portugaises et Francaises.

Karen said was Hollywood, with Aaron Pursley himself, in a Tex-Mex restaurant on North Flores Street.

Además, encendieron cuatro velas en candeleros altos y pusieron flores alrededor.

En el último patio me crucé con un hombre desnudo, coronado de flores amarillas, a quien todos besaban y agasajaban, y con una espada en la mano.

He mentioned frivolous treatises that considered it a curable disease responsive to various prescriptions: liverwort, cinnabar, musk, silver mercury, anagallis flore purpureo.

Next after him went Doubt, who was ycladIn a discolour'd cote, of straunge disguyse,That at his backe a brode Capuccio had,And sleeues dependant Albanese-wyse:He lookt askew with his mistrustfull eyes,And nicely trode, as thornes lay in his way,Or that the flore to shrinke he did auyse,And on a broken reed he still did stayHis feeble steps, which shrunke, when hard theron he lay.

Dijo, con las habituales flores retóricas, que la biblioteca del Congreso del Mundo no podía reducirse a libros de consulta y que las obras clásicas de todas las naciones y lenguas eran un verdadero testimonio que no podíamos ignorar sin peligro.

Names he hadn't thought of in decades came to the surface of his mind: this was the Avenida de las Flores, this was Calle del Sol, this was Camino de los Toros, this was Calle de los Indios, and this—.

OF course, number eleven-Belinda in Cafe Flore did not have any clothes on.

Miss Flores, I realize you have been on duty for some hours, but I ask that you remain in the navigator's position.