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n. (plural of floorplate English)

Usage examples of "floorplates".

The back of his head struck the metal with a sharp bang, and the screamwing, pressed beneath the body, crushed against the floorplates, squealed and clawed its way out between denim-clad thighs.

Where the Navy Yard and the Anacostia River should have been was vanadium alloy floorplates joining with a wall.

Wingate stood barefooted on the floorplates, immobile and overcome by a feeling of helpless indecision which was re-inforced by the fact that he was dressed only in his underwear.

Spence could hear his voice shaking the floorplates ax he bellowed his delight at being space-bound once more.

He felt weak and mushy inside, his limbs trembled with the neurological aftereffects of the taser jolt, his mouth tasted of blood, and his nose throbbed from taking the full force of his headfirst dive into the floorplates when the dart hit him.