vb. (en-third-person singular of: flitter)
Usage examples of "flitters".
When they do not wish to provide sufficient capital assets-whether groundcars, flitters, or fusactors-those under pressure to complete the task at hand are put at greater risk.
Three other flitters were just behind them, carrying the five adults who had been with the children.
All around, as far as he could see in the soft yellow light cast by the flitters, millions of the tiny creatures hovered, colorful flowers dancing on air, and then they abruptly fluttered to the ground.
As the strangers got out of their flitters, they seemed to be moving in unconnected and discontinuous motions.
By the time he had turned on the inside and outside lights of five flitters, the sky was completely dark and the sand was lashing his face.
With the provisions Minister Dydion and her aides had brought inside from their flitters, they could all last for a little while.
After that, it would be necessary to go outside, whatever awaited them there, to bring in the food and water the five parents had so carelessly left in their three flitters—assuming those flitters could be found.
Other people were standing next to their flitters, gazing east at the new sun.
One of the flitters had been crushed under a boulder, but the other vehicles seemed untouched.
To the south, flitters were scattered across the orange sand, most of them obviously greatly damaged.
Carts and flitters full of food and decorations lined the paths outside and spilled over into the garden.
Chris saw the flitters circling to land on the plateau below the wreck.
Strangely enough she didn't see many flitters coming into the city from her direction.
She also knew enough Catten and the Barevian lingua to hire flitters and bargain properly.
We get hammered on the stuff that gets reformulated for flitters, but all the lorries run on filtered oil.