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flips out

vb. (en-third-person singularflip out)

Usage examples of "flips out".

I don't think she realizes what's happening, but when she flips out, she goes hunting, like some avenging angel.

He flips over a script, and then when the time comes to make a deal, he flips out.

Tommy simply isn't the kind of man who flips out, no matter what the provocation.

A ball of twine flips out of the basket and ravels down the embankment toward the river.

I mean, if somebody from Psi Corps flips out and decides to blow up his buddies, we're in a world of trouble.

Then take him up, because unfortunately, he's got to learn to work through this fear and to respond to you or you won't have any chance of getting through to him when he flips out under unpredictable circumstances.

The reviewer flips out over some book that's a piece of crap, and everyone wonders if he lost his mind.

How long before some mama flips out when I try to ask her daughter some questions about the bastard that's raped her, because mama doesn't want that dyke cop feeling up her daughter?

No doubt his own murder would have been made to look like suicide: Priest-loving, rosary-kissing altar flips out, kills twelve in Satanic ceremony, takes own life, film al eleven.