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a. Resembling flint; stony.

Usage examples of "flintlike".

He saw outcroppings of dark, flintlike rock sloping downward to a sere and sterile plain.

It was of bare stone, too steep and too flintlike in hardness to support the green stain of jungle growth.

He pointed to eight small chips of flintlike stone that Coleman had jammed into the dark leather in a semi-circle about a yard away from the center disk.

Morat looked impassive, and Dalen watched with flintlike eyes from a face set hard.

His expression suddenly held a flintlike determination, and she was once again conscious of the strength of will that had vanquished her own only a few moments ago.

Behind the veneer of her charming old-lady manner, I caught a glimpse of flintlike hardness.

Alayna, his gaze turning flintlike as he gripped the hairbrush tightly enough to turn his knuckles near white.

This cut was of bare stone, too steep and too flintlike in hardness to support even a trace of green growth.

The steps and the tunnel wall were not of the same stone as the cliff, but of harder flintlike stone blocks joined together so that the cracks were hardly noticeable.

There were fine lines at the corners of his mouth that deepened when he grinned, and his eyes, though their coloring had not changed, the flintlike hardness of them had.

Ahead of her, presently, she saw an outcropping of dark, flintlike rock that sloped upward into what looked like a rugged crag rising among the trees.

She met his dark gaze with a quickening in her heart, then she noticed the flintlike hardness in his face.