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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Flightiness \Flight"i*ness\, n. The state or quality of being flighty.

The flightness of her temper.

Syn: Levity; giddiness; volatility; lightness; wildness; eccentricity. See Levity.


n. The quality of being flighty.


n. the trait of acting unpredictably and more from whim or caprice than from reason or judgment; "I despair at the flightiness and whimsicality of my memory" [syn: arbitrariness, whimsicality, whimsy, whimsey, capriciousness]

Usage examples of "flightiness".

True, there were occasions before, owing to his flightiness, and I even used to help him out .

As far as Harry was concerned such things were much to blame for the general flightiness and romantical inclinations that characterized so much of the female population.