n. (flight deck English)
Usage examples of "flight decks".
Under this same moon, lower in the sky thousands of miles to the west, the Japanese armada was even now plowing toward Midway, swells breaking and foaming on hundreds of iron bows-pagoda-masted battleships, crudely built carriers with flight decks propped by naked iron girders, tubby transports crowded with landing troops, and the vessels of the train swarming like waterbugs from horizon to horizon.
The flight decks on Nimitz-class carriers covered four and a half acres, but they looked ridiculously tiny from the cockpit of a fighter plane positioning itself for a trap.
That still left force enough, however, to trash dozens of aircraft chained down outboard of catapults one and two, and to sweep the flight decks clear of any personnel who had not been instantly vaporized.
From the flight decks of the fortress and the two immense supercarriers that had been joined to it like stupendous metal forearms, Veritechs swarmed out to take up their places.
Gillespie was fond of reminding Cornell of such items as submarine torpedoes that failed to explode even with direct hits, the flimsy construction of heavy cruisers built before the war, the failure to equip older carriers with armored flight decks, and the obsolete or overly cautious tactics of certain admirals.
With the handful of local defense fighter pilots as a nucleus, they'd expanded their fighter strength at breakneck speed, and Danny Maguire had found a way to maximize their available flight decks by borrowing from the Rigelian Protectorate's ISW-3 tactics.
Depending on their class, their flight decks stretched from 990 to 1,040 feet long, just six feet less than the height of New York City's Chrysler Building.
On the lower flight decks I could see starlight on the multiple insect-wings of the thopters.
More submarines formed a line parallel to the fleet's line of advance, and those were supported by the carrier-borne S-3A Vikings that operated continuously off the flight decks.
For the most part, it was much the same as the Padalyan Reef, the cruiser she'd just left, with Environmental at the bottom, then Troop Deck, then Data, then Main, then the two Flight Decks atop.
All the catapults had had to be recalibrated because, while there was gravity on the flight decks now thanks to equipment from SDF-1, there was no air resistance.