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flick through

vb. (context transitive English) To browse rapidly.

Usage examples of "flick through".

I said, giving in, starting to flick through Lianvis's book, seeing nothing.

He raced through some diagnostic programs, then began using stepping disks to flick through the ship, stopping to observe, to fiddle.

I read the first sentence, flick through in a fruitless search for a map or photo or illustration then fall asleep.

He brought up his camera-eyes and began to flick through the employee levels.

After specifying view-only, he watched almost half-an-hour's worth of a program on living at the bottom of the sea until he got bored with floating around like a fish while people demonstrated underwater farming, then began to flick through some of the specialized children's entertainment.

Hedwig made no movement as he began to flick through newspapers, throwing them into the rubbish pile one by one.

She studied it, watched it flick through its dated changes, the moving and spreading of kifish power over decades.

The thoughts flick through my head like flash cards, each with its nested concepts topped by a neat word that cannot say everything.

Victor's mind began to unwind, relieved he wasn't an open book for Greg to flick through at leisure.

With a skip, flick, flick, flick through the undertime, I centred on the narrowest segment of the unstable rock and sand that composed the causeway.