Crossword clues for fleuve
The Fleuve is a breed of horse from Senegal, in West Africa. Its name is the French word for "river"; it is named for the Senegal River . It is one of four Senegalese horse breeds, the others being the Foutanké, the M'Bayar and the M'Par.
Fleuve is an album by percussionist Pierre Favre recorded in 2005 and released on the ECM label.
Usage examples of "fleuve".
Although as Michel sat in cafes eating his meals, feeling as alone as if he were in a solo rover in the far outback of the southern highlands, it was a bit disappointing to be entirely ignored—just one vieux among all the rest, another one of those whose unnaturally long life was creating more logistical problems than le fleuve blanc, if the truth were told.
Although as Michel sat in cafes eating his meals, feeling as alone as if he were in a solo rover in the far outback of the southern highlands, it was a bit disappointing to be entirely ignored-just one vieux among all the rest, another one of those whose unnaturally long life was creating more logistical problems than le fleuve blanc, if the truth were told.