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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Flesh \Flesh\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Fleshed; p. pr. & vb. n. Fleshing.]

  1. To feed with flesh, as an incitement to further exertion; to initiate; -- from the practice of training hawks and dogs by feeding them with the first game they take, or other flesh. Hence, to use upon flesh (as a murderous weapon) so as to draw blood, especially for the first time.

    Full bravely hast thou fleshed Thy maiden sword.

    The wild dog Shall flesh his tooth on every innocent.

  2. To glut; to satiate; hence, to harden, to accustom. ``Fleshed in triumphs.''

    Old soldiers Fleshed in the spoils of Germany and France.
    --Beau. & Fl.

  3. (Leather Manufacture) To remove flesh, membrance, etc., from, as from hides.


vb. (present participle of flesh English)

Usage examples of "fleshing".

Koontz adeptly builds tension, fully fleshing out his characters and establishing a mesmerizing plot.

Magpie Maggie Hag, after making the acrobats' short-legged fleshings for the three Chinese, resewed the rip panel in the Saratoga, then turned out extra costumes for the other performers—much better made and more bedizened with spangles than their old ones—Including, for Colonel Ramrod and Barnacle Bill, new ring uniforms positively stiff with gold-braid frogs and brandenburgs and epaulettes.

Magpie Maggie Hag had tired of seeing Monday Simms do her stately haute école riding in a mere suit of fleshings, so now she rigged Monday out as a Cordobesa of her own native Spain: black velvet trousers with silvery conchas down the seams, soft boots, a white blouse with wide sleeves and a bright red bolero over that.

She got hold of what she was after, the cache-sexe at the crotch of her fleshings, and yanked it out, then hastily rearranged her costume and grinned wickedly.

Then he stooped, seized the neck of her spangled fleshings, and ripped again, and finally tossed away her last covering, the little cache-sexe pad.

Chunks of the glop shot up the tentacles, fleshing out the hairy root infrastructure.