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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Flemish bond

Flemish \Flem"ish\, a. Pertaining to Flanders, or the Flemings. -- n. The language or dialect spoken by the Flemings; also, collectively, the people of Flanders.

Flemish accounts (Naut.), short or deficient accounts. [Humorous]
--Ham. Nav. Encyc.

Flemish beauty (Bot.), a well known pear. It is one of few kinds which have a red color on one side.

Flemish bond. (Arch.) See Bond, n., 8.

Flemish brick, a hard yellow paving brick.

Flemish coil, a flat coil of rope with the end in the center and the turns lying against, without riding over, each other.

Flemish eye (Naut.), an eye formed at the end of a rope by dividing the strands and lying them over each other.

Flemish horse (Naut.), an additional footrope at the end of a yard.

Usage examples of "flemish bond".

Dixon rides into Town, a Maze-like Disposition of split-rail Fences, a Dockyard's worth of Ship-lap Siding, a quiet Profligacy of Flemish Bond to be found upon vertical Surfaces from Pig-Ark to Palace.

The beauty-loving mason who erected it laid the bricks in Flemish bond instead of the Running, or Stretcher, bond of our own restless age.