Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1590s, pertaining to the three Roman empoerors who reigned 69-96 C.E., the dynasty of (Flavius) Vespasian; see Flavius\n\n
Flavian may refer to:
- A member of the Flavian dynasty of Roman emperors, during the late 1st century AD, or their works
Usage examples of "flavian".
Even Dama Akantha, who had spoken derisively of the boy prince in the past, now nodded approvingly as he spoke, while Flavian was nearly vibrating with excitement.
Such a prince consulted his true interest by the association of a son, whose more splendid and amiable character might turn the public attention from the obscure origin, to the future glories, of the Flavian house.
He gave his life for the Flavian cause, fighting heroically on the Capitoline hill to deliver Rome to his brother.
Such a prince consulted his true interest by the association of a son, whose more splendid and amiable character might turn the public attention from the obscure origin, to the future glories, of the Flavian house.
The theology of Leo, his famous tome or epistle on the mystery of the incarnation, had been disregarded by the synod of Ephesus: his authority, and that of the Latin church, was insulted in his legates, who escaped from slavery and death to relate the melancholy tale of the tyranny of Dioscorus and the martyrdom of Flavian.
Slowly we made our way down the ancient route along the Via Triumphalis, between the pine-crowned Palatine and the Circus Maximus to the Caelian Hill, where we turned towards the Flavian Amphitheatre and the arch that Constantine had set up twenty years before.