Crossword clues for flashflood
n. (alternative spelling of flash flood English)
n. a sudden local flood of great volume and short duration [syn: flash flood]
Usage examples of "flashflood".
The channels in his heart that carried his frustration, his anger and sense of loss, were so deep now that the emotions poured like a flashflood through him.
A glance at the sitting-room, with its shawls and scarves showered over the furniture, and the multilayered clutter deposited as if by flashflood, told Cora that Pearl was no keeper of secrets.
Water splattered from drains, running down the street and into the storm drains at a flashflood rate.
You can understand what the record of the rocks is telling you here: it took a very long time to lay down those rocks, and quite a long time - though less - for flashflooding in the Colorado river to erode them again.