n. A flashbang.
Usage examples of "flash grenade".
One flash grenade later, everyone in the room had been blinded and the next thing the gunmen knew, the diamonds were gone.
There was a bright bolt of light and a very muffled explosion as the HE flash grenade quietly obliterated the small TV studio and everyone in it.
Even as he drew his pistol and made his way to the door at the front of the car, Nikita couldn't help but think about how clever this was: a flash grenade to make them shut their eyes, followed by tear gas to make sure they kept them shut--- but without the optic damage that might have resulted from taking the gas in open eyes in such a tight space.
A flash grenade suddenly exploded just a few feet ahead of him, forcing the android into the bulkhead and causing him to drop his tricorder.
He tossed a flash grenade over his shoulder then threw another around the corner.