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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Flamen Quirinalis

Flamen \Fla"men\, n.; pl. E. Flammens, L. Flamines. [L.] (Rom. Antiq.) A priest devoted to the service of a particular god, from whom he received a distinguishing epithet. The most honored were those of Jupiter, Mars, and Quirinus, called respectively Flamen Dialis, Flamen Martialis, and Flamen Quirinalis.

Affrights the flamens at their service quaint.

Flamen Quirinalis

In ancient Roman religion, the Flamen Quirinalis was the flamen devoted to the cult of the god Quirinus. He was one of the three flamines maiores, third in order of importance after the Flamen Dialis and the Flamen Martialis. As the other ones he had to reside in Rome and was not allowed to leave the city for any reason.

The theology of Quirinus is complex and difficult to interpret. From early times, he was identified with the deified Romulus, who originally seems to have shared some common theological and mythological elements with Quirinus.